Hitoshi Ozaki

Hitoshi Ozaki is an assistant professor of Department of Mechanical Engineering at Mie University in Japan. His work focuses specifically on the laser welding and cutting of metallic material. He received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at Nagoya University. He finished a PhD in engineering at Nagoya University in 2008.

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Dr. A. DANIEL REEGAN, M.Sc., B.Ed., Ph.D.

Tue Dec 13 , 2022
The “ISSN International Best Researcher award” for the year 2022 is being presented to Dr. A. Daniel Reegan, Assistant Director (Entomology), National Centre for Disease Control, Bengaluru Branch, Karnataka for his research contribution in the field of “Medical Entomology” Dr. A. Daniel Reegan has been doing outstanding research on insect […]

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