Prof. Dr. Arivuoli Dakshanamoorthy

Dr.D. Arivuoli is the Professor (Retired) and former Director of Crystal Growth Centre, UGC National facility for Crystal Growth, Anna University, Chennai, India and former Head of the Physics Department, CEG and former Chairman of the Anna University Sports Board. He has 33 years of teaching and 36 years of research experience. He is a Fellow (FRSC) and Charted Chemist (CChem) of Royal society of Chemistry, London, Fellow of Academy of Sciences, Chennai, Life Fellow, (FICS) Indian Chemical Society and Fellow (FISDS) of the International Society for Development and Sustainability, Japan. He has published more than 160 papers in the internationally reputed journals His field of research is crystal growth and characterization, epitaxy of semiconductors, nanomechanics and nanomaterials. Post-doctoral experience at IMEM-CNR, Parma Italy for two years and was at Lancaster University as Prestigious Commonwealth fellow for a year. He was nominated as member of many expert committees at state / national level, which includes, member of the Tamilnadu state four-member panel for Kudamkulam Nuclear reactor project, 2012 and as member of various UGC expert committees for UPE and CPE. So far 26 students have completed PhD under his supervision and his work on nanomechanics is referred as ‘Arivuoli model ‘in literature. He has also proposed a new thermodynamical model for the size and shape dependency of melting of nanoparticles. He is a member of the research group responsible for discovering a new photo catalyst, Sn3O4, which facilitates the production of hydrogen fuel from water, using sunlight as an energy source He is a member of Board of studies in many private/ deemed/ state universities in the field of Nanoscience and technology. He has authored three international books series. He is the editor/ editorial board member/ reviewer for various high impact factor journals. He has organized 24 state / national / international level workshops on Nanoscience and technology. He was awarded the prestigious Commonwealth Fellowship, ICTP-TRIL fellowship and Euro4India Researcher fellowship, Distinguished Researcher award by Anna University, Chennai, Eminent Scientist award by Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, Life time Achievement award both by AMET University and Venus International foundation, Chennai, Distinguished Nano scientist award by the AMET University, Chennai, Senior Scientist Award by the Science City, Dept. of Higher Education, Govt. of Tamilnadu, INSO 2022 Awards, Excellence service Award 2022, Adarsh Vidya Saraswato Rashtriya Puraskar Award , Glacier Journal of Research Foundation, Ahmedabad, 2022, Glory of India Award, Indian Achievers Forum, New Delhi, 2022. He is a member of many professional bodies at the national/International level. He holds four patents and two patents are on biodegradable sanitary napkins and non-invasive, non-enzymatic biodegradable material based glucose sensor.

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Dr. Teresa Matoso Manguangua Victor

Thu Dec 15 , 2022
I have a PhD in Chemical Engineering, graduated from University of Newcastle upon-Tyne, UK, from the same university, have completed the master’s degree in Sustainable Chemical Engineering (2004), consequently I obtained my multidisciplinary Doctorate covering the areas of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, thesis defended on 25th of November of 2008, […]


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