Dr. Lata Ghanshamnani

Practising ophthalmologist and Co founder of NGO, RNisarg foundation.
The need to bring Greener menstruation and eliminate period poverty is very essential for India. With a pollution of 335 million menstruating women generating 200 tons of daily Menstrual waste, there is an urgent need for doctors to participate in creating education and awareness amongst women to choose safer Menstrual products for themselves and their planet.
Project Sakhi started by the NGO uses healthcare staff to educate the underprivileged women on healthy menstruation. The project since last 4 years has educated more than 10,000 women from varied backgrounds to using Menstrual cups. Currently with a database of over 4000 women cup users positive impacts to the women health and planet safety has been achieved.

Z24 News

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Varun Malhotra

Wed Jun 28 , 2023
Varun, MD (Physiology),DNB,MNAMS (Physiology), Diploma in Naturopathy & Yoga has been a regular faculty member of various Institutes. He was Professor & HOD, Santosh Medical College. He is currently serving as Additional Professor in Department of Physiology, AIIMS Bhopal. His areas of research are Medical Education, Mind Body Medicine, Yoga […]

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