Titled Suicide Squad Isekai, the series features certain characters from the DC franchise finding themselves in an alternate world.
nime Expo 2023 is well underway and with it comes a bevy of exciting announcements from various studios. On Jul 4, Warner Bros Japan and WIT Studio announced that they will be collaborating on an anime series revolving around Suicide Squad, a group of villains from the DC movie and comics universe.
Titled Suicide Squad Isekai, the series is set to feature Harley Quinn and Joker in leading roles. A short trailer was played at Anime Expo, showing the two characters terrorising Gotham City before cutting to a scene of Harley Quinn in a world with dragons and orcs.
With “isekai” meaning “another world” in Japanese, it seems like the series will literally transport these iconic villains to a fantasy world. There’s no word on which other DC characters will make an appearance in the anime, though the trailer does provide a brief glimpse of agency director Amanda Waller who usually acts as a morally grey villain.
Suicide Squad Isekai will be directed by Eri Osada who was the chief animation director of the hit anime Jujutsu Kaisen. Following the announcement of the series, Osada said that they had “the express permission from DC to have the characters use magic.”
She adds: “Everybody has their favorite version of Joker. We ultimately decided to not copy any particular iteration and have something completely unique.”
As of writing, a release date has not been set for Suicide Squad Isekai.