Twitter is considering legal action against Meta over its fast-growing rival app Threads. Threads, which was launched to millions on Wednesday, is similar to Twitter and has been pitched by Meta bosses as a “friendly” alternative. Twitter’s Elon Musk said “competition is fine, cheating is not” – but Meta denied […]
Month: July 2023
TAIPEI : Globalisation is taking a backseat to priorities such as national security and technological leadership, with U.S.-China relations consisting more of competition than cooperation, the retired founder of Taiwanese chipmaker TSMC said on Tuesday. Morris Chang, who founded the world’s largest contract chipmaker Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co Ltd (TSMC), […]
SHANGHAI : U.S. semiconductor wafer maker AXT Inc said on Monday it would seek permits to keep exporting gallium and germanium substrate products from China, after Beijing abruptly imposed export controls on the metals key to chipmaking. California-headquartered AXT, which has manufacturing facilities in China, said its Chinese subsidiary Tongmei […]
Titled Suicide Squad Isekai, the series features certain characters from the DC franchise finding themselves in an alternate world. nime Expo 2023 is well underway and with it comes a bevy of exciting announcements from various studios. On Jul 4, Warner Bros Japan and WIT Studio announced that they will […]