Dr. RAVINDRA CHARI M, graduated from Kamineni Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS), Nalgonda, Telangana and post graduated ( MD) from prestigious Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education & Research (JIPMER), Puducherry in Pulmonary medicine. Has an experience in doing all Bronchoscopy, Thoracoscopy, poly somno graphy ( sleep study) and all ICU related procedures. Interested in teaching for MBBS, interns and post graduate students. Had more than 25 publications in indexed national and international journals.

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kamrudeen samani

Mon Aug 12 , 2024
Kamrudeen Samani, a driven and inquisitive individual, was born in Birgunj, Nepal. With a strong foundation in the science of drugs and their effects, he holds a Master’s degree in Pharmacology (Pharmacy). Kamrudeen currently brings his expertise to Fleur Himalayan Limited Industry, contributing to their ongoing success. Prior to this […]

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