Bernadetta Kwintiana Ane is a researcher at Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at University of Stuttgart, Germany. She is also a professor in Computer Application as granted by BSAR Crescent Institute of Science and Technology and Symbiosis University of Applied Sciences. She is working in various domains with main interest in artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) using supervised and unsupervised learning, and deep learning with keen interest in neuroevolution for application in engineering and virtual/augmented reality (VR/AR), as well as bioinformatics for cancer research. Her prior experiences include the IEEE Distinguished Visitors Program (DVP) expert in Cyber-Physical Systems, Top International Researcher of Baden-Wuerttemberg Foundation in Germany, postdoctoral researcher of The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, as well as researcher of Monbukagakusho in Japan. She is member of The IEEE Computer Society, The IEEE Consultant Network USA, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, as well as Monbukagakusho Alumni and The Overseas Human Resources and Industry Development Association (HIDA/AOTS) in Japan. Currently, she serves as a mentor in ‘Gerakan PANDAI’ – National Program on Computational Thinking organized by the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture. She also serves as an associate editor for the IEEE Systems, Man & Cybernetics Magazine, Journal of Applied Soft Computing, Elsevier Science and International Journal of Information Science and Technology (Open Access; l’Institut Marocain de l’Information Scientifique et Technique). She has over 100 publications in the forms of books, chapters, research papers in international journals and conferences, and monographs with 1234 citations (Google Scholar), h-index: 11, and i10-index: 12.
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