Dr.Pavan Kumar M

I’m Dr.PAvan Kumar.M., practicing as a consultant Pathologist in Mysore. My special interest in in the field of hemato-oncology and histopathology. I would love to discuss and educate the juniors and undergraduate students about the subject which keeps me updated about the new topics. I’m interested in performing research work in newer fields of Pathology so that it would help the future population. I would like to take this opportunity to thank my parents, brother and beloved wife, without whom i would not be able to achieve anything.


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Gaurav Mittal

Thu Nov 16 , 2023
Gaurav Mittal, was born in 2002 and hails from Mumbai, the financial capital of India. Currently he is a second-year student at a medical school named Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences nestled in a non-descript village of service called Sevagram in central India. The endeavor to receive ISSN International […]

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