After #DhoniRetires took over Twitter last Wednesday, Sakshi Dhoni says her husband keeps such a low profile and she doesn’t know where all this comes from The chatter around MS Dhoni’s retirement simply refuses to die down and it has been a topic of hot debate since India’s exit from […]
Archaeologists have unearthed the remains of a Bronze Age chieftain buried with profound wealth: Instead of receiving just one cattle “head and hoof” offering in his grave, a prize item reserved for VIP burials of that age, the chieftain had four such offerings. Even more confounding was the discovery of […]
WEST PALM BEACH: President Donald Trump wound up his vacation at his Florida resort yesterday, isolated, angry and with his power slipping away. Two months after losing the US presidential election to Joe Biden, the 74-year-old Trump is still refusing to admit his defeat. He spent the past eight days […]